5 December - Plenary
Venue: Hall 406

0900 – 0930 hrs

Registration, Networking & Innovation Exhibition Visit

0930 – 1010 hrs

Welcome to MedTech Forum 2023: Innovation Unleashing Human Potential

APACMed Board Chairman, John Collings, will officially kick off the forum providing an overview of the Forum, elaborate on its theme, and introduce the concept of the three E’s. Through insightful reflections, he will share a roadmap for the forum, offering valuable perspectives on advancing innovation in the healthcare sector.

Bringing in the Patient Perspective
In her role as President of the Brain Tumour Society (Singapore), Melissa brings patient representation to this session, sharing a heartfelt and sincere narrative of the potential, challenges, and even pitfalls of medical innovation. It’s a compelling story that sheds light on the profound influence of MedTech innovation on patients’ lives.

1010 – 1040 hrs

Keynote Session 1

Roche: A 127-year Journey of Innovation

As the global CEO of a MedTech giant, Thomas will elucidate the significance of innovation and the three E’s in the MedTech industry, also providing valuable insights into Roche’s unique innovation strategy, its evolution and implications for patients and talent.

Fireside Chat: Lance Little in conversation with Harjit Gill

Sharing candid insights into the significance of innovation in MedTech Industry, Lance reflects on Roche’s innovation strategy, including both its triumphs and tribulations. Both speakers jointly highlight the critical role that industry plays in shepherding medical innovation.

1040 – 1200 hrs

Keynote Session 2

A Human's Guide to the Future, and the Role of MedTech Innovation

Step into the forefront of medical innovation with Dr Jordan in this enlightening session. Discover the vast potential of medical innovation as he provides a glimpse into the future with forward-looking predictions and how we can unlock innovation’s potential by upgrading human capital.

Fireside Chat: Dr. Jordan Nguyen in conversation with Chris Hardesty

This fireside chat delves into the implications of Innovation for the MedTech industry. A senior executive shares insights on their company’s balance between innovation and real-world adoption, aligning with the three E’s model. The subsequent dialogue between Jordan and the industry leader explores whether we’re pushing medical innovation too far in the Asia Pacific, and discusses practical approaches to aligning human skills with innovation, identifying key opportunities and risks.

1200 – 1230 hrs

Keynote Session 3

Terumo: An Asian MedTech Becoming a Global Leader

Explore the Asian MedTech perspective with Terumo, a unique multinational rooted in the region. Sato San will take us on a journey through Terumo’s evolution, charting its progression from its origins in Asia to its current global stature, uncover essential elements that contributed to success in the Asian context, emphasizing the pivotal role of talent.

1230 – 1400 hrs

Networking Lunch

1400 – 1505 hrs

Panel Discussion

MedTech Innovation: Fulfilling the Promise for Patients

Innovation is at the heart of MedTech, exploring new frontiers and revolutionizing the landscape of patient care.

Our Panel session on “Medical Innovation: Fulfilling Our Promise” will explore the complexities surrounding medical innovation in this thought-provoking panel discussion. Industry leaders will dive into the transformative power of innovation, the ecosystem’s readiness to embrace MedTech innovations and its impact on healthcare workforce, patients and healthcare industry as a whole.

1505 – 1600 hrs

Panel Discussion

Empowering Patients: Embracing the Challenge of Innovation and Human Potential

Embark on the journey of embracing innovation and human potential in this dynamic panel session.

Join the MedTech industry leaders addressing the challenges of embracing innovation, its impact on human potential, delving into what innovation signifies for each participating organization and industry’s pivotal role in advancing innovation.

1600 – 1700 hrs

MedTech Innovator Awards

MedTech Innovator Awards

Commencing with an overview of MedTech Innovator Awards, this session will feature compelling pitches from top-selected start-ups. The session will also witness an enlightening dialogue with industry leaders, sharing their cutting-edge product/services, providing valuable insights into the collaborative dynamics shaping the MedTech landscape.

1800 hrs onwards

Social Reception & Networking at SKAI Loft, Swissôtel The Stamford, Singapore
(Pre-Registration mandatory)

6 December - Innovation Day and Expert Summits

Expert Summits

0830 – 1115 hrs

Hall 406 (Level 4)

Public Policy & Market Access Summit:

Strengthening the Ecosystem for Evidence-based Policymaking

0830 – 0835 hrs

Welcome and Introduction of GAMA Committee

0835 – 0840 hrs

Opening Remarks

0840 – 0850 hrs


APACMed ESG Dashboard & 2024 Plans

0850 – 0900 hrs


Why ESG matters for MedTech in APAC

0900 – 0935 hrs

Panel Discussion

ESG for MedTech: What Lies Ahead? Perspectives from across the globe

0935 – 0950 hrs


Government Collaboration for Creating a New Service Fee for IVD in South Korea

0950 – 1000 hrs

Fireside Chat

Value-Based Pricing for MedTech: A Collaborative Way Ahead for Singapore

1000 – 1030 hrs

Panel Discussion

Evidence-driven Decision Making for Healthcare in APAC

1030 – 1040 hrs


Volume to Value: Roadmap for Promoting R&D in India's Medical Device Sector

1040 – 1110 hrs

Panel Discussion

Promoting Quality Innovation in the Asia-Pacific Region

1110 – 1115 hrs

Closing Remarks

0900 – 1100 hrs

Room 325 (Level 3)

China Summit – Morning Session

MedTech Collaboration: ASEAN-China Opportunities (ASEAN Focus)

0900 – 0915 hrs

Opening Remarks

0915 – 0935 hrs


ASEAN MedTech: Trend and Analysis

0935 – 1015 hrs


ASEAN Regulatory Policy Updates

1015 – 1055 hrs

Panel Discussion

Pathway into ASEAN-strategies and approaches

1055 – 1100 hrs

Closing Remarks

1230 – 1400 hrs

Room 325 (Level 3)

China Summit – Afternoon Session:

Forging Synergies: Pathways into China (China Focus)

1230 – 1240 hrs

Opening Remarks

1240 – 1305 hrs


New Trends of Out-of-hospital Care and Demands for Innovative Medical Technologies in China

Fireside Chat

The Formulation of Out-of-hospital Care Models

1305 – 1330 hrs

Presentation followed by Q&A

DRG-based Market Access of the Innovative Medical Technologies

1330 – 1355 hrs

Presentation followed by Q&A

Regulatory Green Pathways into China

1355 – 1400 hrs

Closing Remarks

1200 – 1500 hrs

Hall 406 (Level 4)

Regulatory Affairs Summit:

APAC AI/ML Regulations & Regulatory Convergence

1200 – 1205 hrs

Opening Remarks

1205 – 1220 hrs

Key Regulatory Trends

1220 – 1235 hrs


MOH Journey on Cybersecurity Labelling Scheme for Medical Devices

1235 – 1250 hrs


AI/ML Regulations

1250 – 1330 hrs

Panel Discussion

AI/ML Regulations and Emerging Technologies

1330 – 1350 hrs


Introduction to Regulatory Harmonisation and Convergence

1350 – 1430 hrs

Panel Discussion

Regulatory Harmonisation and Convergence

1430 – 1500 hrs

Panel Discussion

RA Committee Updates and Events

1430 – 1730 hrs

Room 325 (Level 3)

In-Vitro Diagnostics Summit:

Addressing Access Barriers for Diagnostics

1430 – 1450 hrs


Opening Remarks and Addressing Access Barriers for Diagnostics: Overview of APACMed's Engagement

1450 – 1500 hr

Fireside Chat

Addressing Access Barriers for Diagnostics

1500 – 1510 hrs

Virtual Recording

World Health Assembly Resolution on Strengthening Diagnostic Capacity

1510 – 1520 hrs

Virtual Recording

World Health Assembly Resolution on Strengthening Diagnostic Capacity: What does it mean for APAC? - An Interactive Discussion

1520 – 1615 hrs

Panel Discussion

Realising The Full Value of Diagnostics in Bringing Health for All: A Collaborative Approach

1615 – 1625 hrs


Patient Perspective on the Value of Precision Medicine and Importance of Next-Generation Sequencing Technologies

1625 – 1720 hrs

Panel Discussion

Setting foundational standards to unlock the Value for Next-Generation Sequencing Technologies

1720 – 1730 hrs

Closing Remarks

1500 – 1800 hrs

Hall 406 (Level 4)

Digital Health Summit:

Enter the Next Healthcare Evolution — Digital!

1500 – 1510 hrs

Opening Remarks

1510 – 1540 hrs

Fireside Chat: EMPOWER Patients

The Digital Native: Leading the Consumerization of Healthcare

1540 – 1640 hrs

Panel Discussion: ENABLE Healthcare

HEALTHCARE 4.0: Moving From Digital Health to ...Health

1700– 1750 hrs

Panel Discussion: ELEVATE The Industry

Be Digital-Future Ready: Unlocking Success for Industry in the Digital Era

1750 – 1800 hrs

Closing Remarks

1530 – 1730 hrs

Room 324 (Level 3)

Legal, Ethics & Compliance Summit:

1530 – 1630 hrs


Sustainable Solutions: ESG Compliance in MedTech

1630 – 1730 hrs

Panel Discussion

Artificial intelligence in MedTech: Navigating Legal Horizons

Innovation Day (Hall 405, Level 4)

0900 – 0930 hrs

Registration, Networking & Innovation Exhibition Visit

0930 – 1000 hrs

Interactive Presentation

Opening Remarks and “MedTech Innovation Build vs Buy Landscape”

Opening Remarks
Begin Innovation Day by with an overview of the day’s agenda and expectations, insights from the APACMed Start-up Committee, and the significance of community engagement in fostering innovation.

MedTech Innovation Build vs Buy Landscape
Expect a deep dive into industry trends, enlightening case studies, and valuable insights in a comprehensive presentation on the MedTech innovation build-vs-buy landscape in the Asia Pacific. In addition, a snapshot of insights observed from the APACMed matchmaking database will be released.

1000 – 1045 hrs

Panel Discussion

Start-up-Corporate Matchmaking: Scaling Innovation Integration

Embark on an insightful journey with a Start-up founder sharing
the remarkable story of Gauss Surgical, a patient monitoring start-up and its evolution into a fully-integrated business unit of Stryker.

Following the presentation will be a fireside chat exploring the intricacies of the journey and provide valuable insights for start-ups looking to make that corporate pitch.

1045 – 1115 hrs

Mid-morning Networking Break

1115 – 1200 hrs

Panel Discussion

Realities of Matchmaking in the Asia Pacific, and Best Practices for Community Activation

Engage in a dynamic panel discussion that delves into the “Realities of Matchmaking in the Asia Pacific”. Our expert panelists will share insights, experiences, and best practices, providing a comprehensive exploration of the challenges and successes within the region’s matchmaking landscape. Discover key strategies for community activation and gain practical insights to enhance your approach in the diverse and dynamic Asia Pacific market.

1200 – 1330 hrs

Networking Lunch

1330 – 1600 hrs

Inaugural APACMed Corporate Challenge

Experience the convergence of ideas and solutions at the Inaugural APACMed Corporate Challenge Statement. Witness curated start-up matchmaking with 5-minute compelling pitches from each start-up, followed by Q&A session, dedicated time for fostering meaningful connections and collaboration within the MedTech ecosystem.

1600 – 1630 hrs

Reflections on Global MedTech Innovations and Closing Remarks

Programme at a Glance

Day 1

5 December


Hall 406, Level 4

0900 – 0930 hrs

Registration, Networking & Innovation Exhibition Visit

0930 – 1010 hrs

Welcome to MedTech Forum 2023:
Innovation Unleashing Human Potential

1010 – 1040 hrs

Keynote Session 1

A 127-year Journey of Innovation

1040 – 1200 hrs

Keynote Session 2

A Human's Guide to the Future,
and the Role of MedTech Innovation

1200 – 1230 hrs

Keynote Session 3

An Asian MedTech Becoming a Global Leader

1230 – 1400 hrs

Networking Lunch

1400 – 1505 hrs

Panel Discussion

MedTech Innovation:
Fulfilling the Promise for Patients

1505 – 1600 hrs

Panel Discussion

Empowering Patients:
Embracing the Challenge of Innovation and Human Potential

1600 – 1700 hrs

MedTech Innovator Awards

1800 hrs onwards

Social Reception & Networking

Day 2

6 December

Expert Summits

Hall 406 (Level 4); Room 325 & 324 (Level 3)

0830 – 1115 hrs

Public Policy & Market Access Summit:

Strengthening the Ecosystem for Evidence-based Policymaking

0900 – 1100 hrs

China Summit – Morning Session

MedTech Collaboration: ASEAN-China Opportunities (ASEAN Focus)

1230 – 1400 hrs

China Summit – Afternoon Session

Forging Synergies: Pathways into China (China Focus)

1200 – 1500 hrs

Regulatory Affairs Summit:

APAC AI/ML Regulations & Regulatory Convergence

1430 – 1730 hrs

In-Vitro Diagnostics Summit:

Addressing Access Barriers for Diagnostics

1500 – 1800 hrs

Digital Health Summit:

Enter the Next Healthcare Evolution — Digital!

1530 – 1730 hrs

Legal, Ethics & Compliance Summit:

Navigating Legal Obligations and Regulatory Compliance

Innovation Day

Hall 405, Level 4

0900 – 0930 hrs

Registration, Networking & Innovation Exhibition Visit

0930 – 1000 hrs

Innovation Day Opening Remarks

1000 – 1045 hrs

Start-up-Corporate Matchmaking: Scaling Innovation Integration

1000 – 1115 hrs

Mid-morning Break

1115 AM – 1200 hrs

Panel Discussion

Realities of Matchmaking in Asia Pacific and Best Practices for Community Activation

1200 – 1330 hrs

Networking Lunch

1330 – 1600 hrs

Inaugural APACMed Corporate Challenge

1600 – 1630 hrs

Reflections on Global MedTech Innovation and Closing Remarks

Asia Pacific's Leading MedTech Conference

Over 80 leaders from 30+ countries gathered to share, inspire, and explore the vision of patient centricity in the Asia Pacific region.

John Collings

John Collings is a senior-level leader with more than 20 years of experience in the medical technology and pharmaceutical industry. He started his career with Stryker in 2016, and he was appointed to President of Stryker Asia Pacific in 2020 after assuming leadership roles with increasingly expanded responsibilities.

John is focused on driving and developing high-performing teams across the region. Having lived and worked in seven different countries, John embraces diversity and inclusion. This lays the foundation in developing mission-driven, diverse and inclusive teams that has been key to Stryker’s success. Together with Stryker’s customers, the dynamic team delivers customer-centric and differentiated innovation that drives optimal patient outcomes.

Melissa Lim

Melissa Lim founded the Brain Tumour Society (Singapore) or BTSS in 2014 and currently serves as its President. Her personal mission to help the brain tumour patients and caregivers actually started further back in February 2004 from her first-hand experience as a brain tumour patient. She found herself isolated in her struggle to recover from the post operation impact arising from a 16-hour brain operation to remove a 3.5 cm acoustic neuroma. This experience closely echoed the lonely journey she shared earlier with her late mother who had terminal brain cancer. Upon her recovery, Melissa decided to leverage on her personal experiences, both as a patient and caregiver, to bring hope and encouragement to those who are also struggling with brain tumours. She started out as the facilitator and programme manager of the Brain Tumour Support Group, which was an informal support group for patients and caregivers. She established BTSS on 5 Feb 2014 as an official platform to reach out to more patients and offer them more tangible support and services. Under her leadership, BTSS has grown to more than 300 strong in its membership with a wide range of programmes for its diverse community; such as befriending and support services, community bonding events, financial and practical assistance. Under her watch, BTSS has also created more visibility for brain tumour awareness in Singapore. Melissa was recognised for her contributions to BTSS when she was awarded the Singapore Health Inspirational Patient Award in March 2015.

Thomas Schinecker

Dr. Thomas Schinecker has been Chief Executive Officer of the Roche Group since 2023. He began his career at Roche in 2003 as part of a management development program. This was followed by various roles across six countries and three continents. Throughout his time at Roche, he served as Head of Marketing and Sales in Austria, Lifecycle Leader for Diagnostics’ Sequencing Solutions and General Manager of Roche Diagnostics in Sweden as well as in Germany. For two years, he led Roche Diagnostics’ largest business unit including Research and Development, before taking over the Diagnostics Division, which he led from October 2019 to December 2022. Dr Thomas Schinecker was born in Germany with German and Austrian citizenship and grew up in Singapore. He studied genetics in Salzburg, Austria, and received his PhD in molecular biology from New York University in 2003.

Lance Little

Lance Little became the Managing Director, Region Asia Pacific for Roche Diagnostics in 2012. Prior to that, he was the Managing Director of Roche Diagnostics India (including the Indian sub-region). His experience as Managing Director extends to both Roche Diagnostics Thailand and Roche Diagnostics New Zealand.
Lance joined Roche in New Zealand in 1995 in the technical support and management division of Boehringer Mannheim’s Clinical Chemistry portfolio, before moving on to sales and marketing roles. He was appointed Managing Director of Roche Diagnostics Thailand in 2008 before returning to New Zealand to take up the role of Managing Director in 2009.
Lance started his career as a Medical Laboratory Scientist, specialising in Biochemistry at Auckland Hospital Laboratory in New Zealand. Following that, he spent some time managing the Automation Laboratory at Diagnostic Laboratories in Auckland.

Harjit Gill

Harjit was appointed CEO of APACMed in February 2019. Founded in 2014, the Asia Pacific Medical Technology Association is the only regional association to provide a unified voice for the medical technology industry in Asia Pacific.

Formerly she was EVP and CEO of Philips ASEAN & Pacific until October 2015. In this role, she managed a turnover of US$2 Billion and a team of 10,000 people in ten countries across its Healthcare, Lighting and Consumer Lifestyle sectors. Harjit spent twenty-five years with Philips holding a variety of international roles in General Management in Holland, Singapore, Dubai and Hong Kong.

Dr. Jordan Nguyen

Dr Jordan Nguyen is a leading Australian engineer, inventor and innovator, who is committed to improving as many lives as possible, as well as becoming a driving force behind both human and technological evolution as we move into the future.

An internationally renowned engineer for humanity, Jordan designs life-changing technologies to transform the lives of people with disabilities and the elderly through his role as founder of Psykinetic, a social business committed to bringing positive, sustainable and life-altering change. He also shares his adventures through documentaries across the world. Inspired by human endeavour, Jordan has big ambitions to see our world step consciously and creatively into a better future.

Chris Hardesty

Chris Hardesty has dedicated his career and passion toward the health/care field. Having had the good fortune of working across more than 50 countries, he believes there is something to teach and something to learn from the various health system designs. His particular area of emphasis is around fostering public-private partnerships such that we can bring safe, effective, and economically-viable medical innovations to those in need.

Shinjiro Sato

Mr. Shinjiro Sato has been the President and CEO of the company since 2017. Previously, he served as the Director and Managing Executive Officer from 2015 to 2017; Director and Senior Executive Officer from 2012 to 2015; Senior Executive Officer from 2012 to 2014; Group President of Cardiac and Vascular Business Group from 2011 to 2012; and Executive Officer, General Manager of Strategic Planning Dept. from 2010 to 2011. Mr. Sato served at Arthur Andersen Business Consulting (currently PwC Japan Group) from 1999 to 2004. He started his career at Joined Toa Nenryo Kogyo KK (currently JXTG Nippon Oil & Energy Corporation) in 1984.

Sam Karita

Sam Karita is a core member of Boston Consulting Group’s Marketing, Sales & Pricing, Health Care, and Consumer practices.

He is also a Fellow at Bcg Henderson Institute (BHI) and BHI Japan lead.

Since joining BCG in 1997, Sam has worked closely with clients in a wide variety of industries, including pharmaceuticals, med-tech, consumer goods, media, entertainment, technology, and telecommunications. He has developed particular expertise in corporate / business strategy, innovation, large scale transformation, operational excellence across the value chain from R&D, manufacturing & supply chain and sales & marketing. He also has deep experience in supporting clients undertake transformation in digital and advanced analytics, working closely with Digital BCG colleagues.

Before joining BCG, Sam worked for the Industrial Bank of Japan, currently Mizuho Financial Group, where he was in charge of corporate finance for several major accounts. He is also a semiprofessional musician who records music and performs live in Tokyo.